🥳 Happy 11th Birthday Diggles & Congratulations on Your Braveheart Award 🥳
In February 2024, Diggles not only celebrated his 11th birthday, but also proudly received the Braveheart Award from Goring Vets, marking a remarkable milestone!
This award marks two years post lump discovery, and nearly 18 months post-amputation and chemo, Diggles has shown incredible resilience. What an achievement! 🏆
Goring Vets shared: “Digby has faced a lot of challenges in his 10 years, through which he has been ‘the most amazing, brave, and gentle boy’. Diagnosed with osteosarcoma in 2022, his hind limb was amputated to halt the cancer’s spread. He’s adapted wonderfully to three legs and can even be found with the help of his set of wheels! His owner has done an amazing job looking after him throughout his treatment, and she works tirelessly to ensure he is living his best quality of life.”